Balancing Belly & Brain

de evenwichts

Balancing Belly & Brain;
Left- and Right Brain hemisphere;
Body and Mind. 

We are the Sun

We are the Sun

If the trees on this picture were to represent the thoughts we humans have; if the rivers were to represent our emotions, and the rolling hills our behaviors; if we have something of the Earth that could even represent our physical organs, etc.
Then it would be easy to say that, in line with that analogy, the Earth is who we are.

That is THE major misconception of us humans, though. 

Within this analogy, who or what we really are is the SUN — not Earth. The Sun then represents awareness, and that is what we truly are at a deeper level. 

This is the major shift we are going through now, together as a humanity, and each individually: us becoming aware we are awareness rather than our thoughts, emotions and behaviors — we are the Sun rather than the Earth.

The trick for all of us humans is to activate that awareness. Right now most of us have not reached that point but global invasive events such as Covid-19 are nudging us in that direction.

This view that we are Awareness is certainly not new in any way. It is very much in line with Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, for instance. The interesting “twist” to the analogy made with this photo is that it maps on nicely to the main message of this book/blog: for the awareness to be activated we need to get out of our heads/ego/mind. And into our Solar Center. 

Crop Circles

Crop Circles

