Life in an Elevator
Each and everyone of us is living in an elevator. A glass / translucent elevator. The only pitty thing is that we typically don’t know.
If we knew this, most if not all suffering in the world would have come to an end already.
The elevator gives access to different floors that all give an outlook to the same reality, but depending on the floor you’re on, your reality can look very different. A higher floor may give you a very different view than what you’d see on ground level. Ground level is where most of the suffering takes place. Thus there is benefit to moving up in the elevator.
Also, and unlike what you see on the picture above, each floor has a glass bottom and a glass ceiling such that (1) you can look down from above, but usually not up from below, and (2) you might forget things that you have seen on a floor that is different than the one you are currently on. To remember something it helps to get back to that floor where you learned that particular thing.
Most of us reside on ground level. Most of the time. When we do switch floors we are usually not aware of it.
But there are ways to move up in the elevator, to get access to higher floors, ánd to become more aware of it — which might be the most essential of all.
From the higher floors, we can connect the dots in a different way, very much like a drone who is rising higher and higher, such that the horizon is moving further and further away — allowing all of a sudden to connect the dots in a very different way because areas have now become visible that had been invisible from ground level.
The following clip may help. It could have been more pleasing to the eye but the fundamental message is there. What you see on the ground (obstacles) might be very different from what you see from above (energy source). Even though we’re looking at exactly the same “objective” reality.
And how can we move up floors? The magic is in our core, of course. Which functions very much like the burner of a hot air balloon.
In fact, the hot air balloon might provide us with another interesting analogy. We essentially all are a hot air balloon. The only problem is that we have lived our lives thus far without blowing virtually any hot air in it..
The good thing is that we have a wide open field of new experiences ahead of us.