Balancing Belly & Brain

de evenwichts

Balancing Belly & Brain;
Left- and Right Brain hemisphere;
Body and Mind. 

Making sense of the BIG BANG

Making sense of the BIG BANG

For years I tried to make sense of my BANG experience. It was so profound so peaceful and so exceptional while at the same time it was more “familiar” or more “home” than anything else I had experienced before.

At the time, even my most experienced guides wouldn’t say much more than that it had been a “peak” experience. Now I know from ancient traditions it is an experience that simply cannot be explained with words or understood by the mind. It has to be experienced to truly “get it”. But it has been documented extensively in old and even recent scriptures and traditions.

One tradition calls it Samadhi. Another refers to it as Satori. But the same phenomenon is also referred to as Kundalini Awakening, Ego Death, Unity Consciousness, Avatar Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, experiencing Heaven on Earth, 5D, the eternal Flow State, non-duality, or Sacred Secretion…

Jill Bolt Taylor would say that my right brain hemisphere got activated and that the left brain hemisphere got de-activated (relatively speaking), and that as a result I was experiencing Nirvana. Eckhart Tolle would agree but he would call Nirvana “being in the NOW”. And Damon T Berry might say that I had entered the Stargate into the Sun.

Still another way of putting it is that I had entered a state of consciousness / awareness that I now know is similar to what people experience in a Near Death Experience (NDE), during a psychedelic trip or in other Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STE). During such experiences very often a sensation of Oneness is experienced with all that is. Peacefulness and deep Love as well. It is also highly related to what happens in the initial stages of a Twin Flame experience.

Two things struck me the most about the BANG experience, because they felt so “impossible” from the perspective I had been living from up till that time.

(1) the sensation of weightlessness — I was wide awake and walking. Through nature. My feet were on the ground during the experience as firm as they had been before it. And yet, there was this levitation-like sensation of weightlessness.

(2) I was in a space where everything felt as One. Everything was utterly connected to one another. The surprising thing being that I, as a “human”, was NOT more than anything else around me — the bees, the flowers, the plants, the trees, the butterflies,…

This sensation of Oneness is a clear indication of non-duality and thus Unity or Christ Consciousness. And yes, I have also experienced it later in a Twin Flame dynamic where a sensation of “unity” might be more expected.
Regardless, it is the Ultimate State one wants to be in. It is the place where we have access to eternal wisdom, true creativity but also our innate healing abilities.
It is a state of consciousness or a level of vibration, but I have also described it as a “Floor” in the Elevator analogy. We all have access to it — in principle.

The sensation of Lightness or Weightlessness can easily be related to what is called Enlightenment in seemingly very different contexts. “Seeing the Light” might be very similar to “Feeling Light”, as opposed to heavy indeed. Certainly in the way I have experienced this weightlessness. When we feel light like this, the Light can come through. And we are more likely to see The Light.

Two questions are coming forward at this point: (1) Have I experienced something even remotely close to this BANG experience, since then? And (2) if so, what did that experience look like and can other people get to that sensation or state as well?

I have come close to experiencing similar sensations a few times, most strongly in two seemingly very different types of situations. The fact that these two situations seem very different has nonetheless guided me in inferring the underlying mechanism that can help other people benefit from it.

* One type of situation is balancing in a meditative kind a way, on a unicycle or Onewheel. That is, engaging the center of gravity. When doing so, one literally gets to experience this sensation of “floating”. Or the feeling of weightlessness.
* The second, as I indicated already, is during a Twin Flame encounter that came right out of left field.

Making it easy to connect the dots:
All these experiences are about (self) love,
which by itself will not come as a surprise, unless perhaps for the balancing experience.

The less common inference that I am adding here is that self-love has everything to do with engaging our center of gravity — releasing tension in our belly area or loosening the pliers as I had described elsewhere. A further implication is that accessing those altered states of awareness, the state of bliss and even enlightenment itself are fundamentally about engaging our center of gravity — even though enlightenment is typically and predominantly associated with the brain / mind.

The link with our center of gravity may be less obvious but the good thing is that it provides us with a very tangible thing to do and an entrance point into these states that is accessible also to people who might not be into anything “spiritual”.

[The argument is not that anyone engaging their center of gravity would right away get the full fledged BANG experience in exactly the same way as I have. Only the Universe has control over the degree of the experience]

In our current society, the mainstream healing channels may not steer us in the direction of the belly yet — society in general is still steering us away from it — but ancient traditions have for a long time. For instance, Kundalini awakening starts at the base of the spine.
Our society will return to that wisdom more and more in the future.

We at One Mission are doing it right NOW for anyone who wants to experience more inner and mental peace, more creativity, who wants to heal, replenisch their energy, or wants to keep his/her sanity in this ever more crazy world we are living in (2022).

Finally, to relate back to the major theme of this website. In my BANG experience two things happened that are essential to the Message and Mission of this blog.
I got out of my head (mind / Earth) and into my belly (core / Sun).
Into the NOW. Into the SUN.

Which may make it easier to understand what the Space Shuttle is doing on my rendering of the Vetruvian (wo)man on the landing page of this website.

Life in an Elevator

Life in an Elevator

Crop Circles

Crop Circles