Balancing Belly & Brain

de evenwichts

Balancing Belly & Brain;
Left- and Right Brain hemisphere;
Body and Mind. 

It started with a BANG

It started with a BANG


As if thunder had struck. Or as if a fighter jet had just broken through the sound barrier. An ear deafening BANG sound had signalled we just entered a new “situation”. A new reality.

No-one may have heard the BANG. No-one had seen it. But without a shadow of a doubt I knew it’s been there, and that something had changed. Drastically. Unannounced. Unexpected. 

All of a sudden I found myself in a totally different reality. 

To others, that new reality/world may have seemed exactly the same as before the BANG — on the photo, the air on the left side of the (sound barrier) cloud is indeed equally blue as on the right side. 

But to me, the new reality had felt totally different. 

I now found myself inside some kind of a bubble.


The world before the BANG, and outside the bubble, had felt like me sitting in a space rocket that had just been launched and that had been frantically gaining in speed, racing past every object it encountered, and its rocket boosters producing ever louder screaming noise.

The world after the BANG felt like I had all of a sudden entered this huge bubble of weightlessness where gravitational and body-tormenting G-forces had no longer any impact. Those forces had all of a sudden vanished. Simple as that.

The world inside the bubble felt as if my space rocket had finally left Earth’s gravitational pull; as if the screaming rocket boosters had been left behind and replaced by an ear deafening silence. I was now bathing in absolute Weightlessness. Peacefulness. Spaciousness.

The world inside the bubble was a world in which time seemed to have stopped existing, or at least where it was running at a slower pace. It was a world of flow instead of freeze. Of treading instead of walking. A world in which the heart beats regularly and at a much slower pace than before; in which the breath flows instead of beats, and in which annoying bird chatter had transformed into a heavenly harmonious bird orchestra performance.

In this new reality, the scenery visible from the rocket’s cockpit was not rushing by anymore. It was even as if I had left the cockpit, and as if I was no longer wearing a space suit either.

I was floating around weightlessly and while doing so I was harmoniously connected with every single “thing” around me that was doing exactly the same — floating around in the bubble: the flowers, the bees, the butterflies. But also the cows. The ducks. The swans. The caterpillars. The snails.
No “thing” was any more or any less than the other. There was an absolute sense of unity and equality between me and everything else. In hindsight, there probably wasn’t even a “me” anymore.


This is the description of a profound experience I had about six years ago when I was all by myself hiking on a trail in nature. It happened when I was just a few weeks home with a burn-out/bore-out. I will elaborate later on how I understand it now. Needless to say it had a big impact on me, and on the “teaching” that is gradually being shared on this website.

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