My Cave Painting
If my painting would not be found until a few hundred or even a thousand years from now, it would look like the picture above.
And the decoding of the encrypted message would look like this:
Background. Status before the Corona Crisis: viewed from the helikopter perspective, humans considered themselves to be the most evolved species on the planet, and also more evolved than their own species had ever been before. The main reason behind that predicament: their highly evolved brain.
What the Painting is saying:
That is ironic because, when considered as a civilisation (and leaving out the individual exceptions) humans have been choking their brain lately. They have been living as if pliers were applied to the brain. And if that was not enough, they have also been unaware, both of the choking mechanism itself, ánd of its location.
As a result, they have actually been tightening the pliers rather than loosening their grip on the brain/being. That is the first main message of the Cave Painting.
The second is the unexpected location of the pliers. And that is what is also being depicted in the Painting.
“The pliers are choking the brain from the center of the body.
This particular location might be the least expected of all, given that the belly / core / center of gravity is located “miles away” from the head, the place where the brain is supposedly located.
The more important point for now is that the choking mechanism had started limiting the species, both in obvious and less obvious ways. True intelligence (wisdom) is limited compared to its full potential, but so is the capacity for true creativity, intuition and, essential in times of health crisis, the capacity for self-healing.
As for intelligence. When zooming out and considering the full potential, it’s fair to say that with the current state of affairs (up to Corona time), intelligence does not reach much beyond what could be called Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). It is driven by programmed conditioning and duality consciousness, not by true wisdom and neither with the individual nor the collective well-being in mind.
Only as the pliers will be loosened will True Intelligence (T.I.) start to emerge more fully. T.I. is closely related to wisdom and intuition, and is more in line with the Deeper Self of each individual. That Deeper Self is intrinsically intertwined with the Collective Self. It is also the place that brings Inner Peace and even Bliss. And it is tightly connected to what is called Unity Consciousness.
The point of my particular Cave Painting is this: the “on-off button” to get access to that advanced state of being / bliss is located in the belly, not (just) the brain, and to turn it “on”, one needs to loosen the pliers.
And although the image of “pliers” is used as an analogy here, it is more than just an analogy. At the anatomic level we all have such a thing in our body, and it can be physically operated / turned on/off — more on that later. The challenge is to become aware of it, ánd to learn how to operate it.
Thus far, society has been looking for that button mostly in the brain — and to a large degree for good reason.
But at some point that search has started looking like the drunkard who was looking to find his keys underneath the lantern: he was looking in that particular spot not because that is where he lost his keys — he didn’t — but because that spot is the only one that was giving him some light.