Next Power Center
We as modern Westerners have a very strong “head” power center. We are mostly intellectual, smart, analytical and solution oriented thinkers. And that is great.
In all that smart power, though, the 2020 worldwide health crisis is now seriously challenging our way of living. In a potentially radical way: we are clearly invited to make substantial changes in the way we are going through our typical day — and go about running our entire lives.
As powerful as we may have felt before, the 2020 worldwide lockdown has shown that we can become powerless easily when our daily routines are taken away. When we can no longer rely on our daily routines and habits (our “programs”) we need an extra guiding system, on top of our powerful “head” center.
The way I see it, the current times of crisis are exactly that invitation: to start drawing more from a different type of power all together.
That “other” power center is our belly power center.
Every single one of us has it built right in. And the good thing is that it has essentially remained untouched. Waiting to be discovered for times like these. “Untouched” because previously we may not have needed it as much. And to make sure it is now a new/fresh power source that is opening up an entire world of new possibilities.